A Thing that Cannot Be Put Back Again


  • Francisco Díaz Klassen




One of the most compelling features of the genre of science fiction is its configuration, “a curious mixture of invented gadgetry and archetypal narrative motifs very obviously derived from folk tale, fairy tale and Scripture, recycling the myths of Creation, Fall, Flood and a Divine Savior, for a secular but still superstitious age” (Lodge, 137). The narrative of myths which sought to explain the present by looking at the origins of the world might have given way to narratives that seek to explain the functioning of the present by predicting alternate futures (or alternate presents or alternate pasts). As Susan Napier has observed, an “intriguing aspect of science fiction [is] its ability to uniquely reflect and comment upon modern culture” (329).


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Author Biography

Francisco Díaz Klassen

Francisco Díaz Klaassen (1984) is the author of the novels Antología del cuento nuevo chileno (2009) and El hombre sin acción (2011, winner of the Roberto Bolaño prize in 2010), and the short story collections Cuando  éramos jóvenes (2013) and Cuentos yanquis (2014). In 2011 he was selected as one of the 25 "Best Kept Secrets" of Latin American literature by the Guadalajara International Book Fair, in commemoration of its 25 years of existence. He is currently pursuing a PhD in Hispanic Literatures and Cultures at Cornell University.




How to Cite

Díaz Klassen, F. . (2023). A Thing that Cannot Be Put Back Again. English Studies in Latin America: A Journal of Cultural and Literary Criticism, (8), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.7764/ESLA.62121

