IRI incremental equations for jointed plain concrete pavements


  • Hernán de Solminihac Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • Marcelo Bustos Universidad Nacional de San Juan (Argentina)
  • Anibal Altamira Universidad Nacional de San Juan (Argentina)
  • Michael Darter ERES Cons. Division of ARA, Inc. (Estados Unidos.)
  • Juan Pablo Covarrubias Instituto Chileno del Cemento y el Hormigón (Chile)


IRI, faulting, pavement performance, concrete pavements


This paper presents a study of the relationships between increments of distress and IRI by using both simulation analysis and empirical regression. The simulation analysis permitted to verify the linear relationship between IRI, cumulative faulting and quantity of spalled joints of medium and high severity, and this was also validated by the empirical models obtained by statistical regression. Additional effects due to age of the pavement and incidence of deterioration of existing cracks are considered in the model finally proposed, which does not need the value of initial IRI after construction to be used in pavement management systems.


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Author Biographies

Hernán de Solminihac, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Professor, Department of Construction Engineering and Managment
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Santiago, Chile

Marcelo Bustos, Universidad Nacional de San Juan (Argentina)

Professor School of Engineering of Mountain Roads
Universidad Nacional de San Juan

Anibal Altamira, Universidad Nacional de San Juan (Argentina)

Professor School of Engineering of Mountain Roads
Universidad Nacional de San Juan

Michael Darter, ERES Cons. Division of ARA, Inc. (Estados Unidos.)

Senior Principle Engineer
ERES Cons. Division of ARA, Inc..
Champaign, Illinois, U.S.A.


Juan Pablo Covarrubias, Instituto Chileno del Cemento y el Hormigón (Chile)

General Manager
Chilean Concrete Institute
Santiago, Chile



How to Cite

de Solminihac, H., Bustos, M., Altamira, A., Darter, M., & Covarrubias, J. P. (2000). IRI incremental equations for jointed plain concrete pavements. Revista Ingeniería De Construcción, 15(2), 114–122. Retrieved from



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