Photocatalytic mortar with tiO2 for the reduction of air pollutants produced by vehicular emissions


  • Edwin Aquise North Private University
  • Katherine Chirinos North Private University



Photocatalytic mortar, air quality, TiO2, decontaminant


Photocatalytic mortar with TiO2 leads to a reduction in air pollution due to vehicle emissions. For this purpose, the experimental method was used, which consisted of the preparation of mortars with the same proportion of 1: 4, a strength of 145 kg / cm2 and with different percentages of titanium dioxide (0% and 10%), which were evaluated under the same conditions through the following tests: Quantity of polluting gases, compressive strength and photocatalytic capacity. The results obtained—reduction of carbon dioxide by 97.9%, hydrogen sulfide by 72.9%, sulfur dioxide by 67.2%, nitrogen monoxide by 63.4%, carbon monoxide by 40.5% and oxygen recovery by 7.7%—confirmed the performance of the photocatalytic process through titanium dioxide (TiO2) in terms of an improvement in air quality, and the reduction of colorants, rhodamine by 89.10% and methylene blue 53.06% confirmed its self-cleaning capacity, thus improving the reduction of air pollution.


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Author Biographies

Edwin Aquise, North Private University

Registered Civil Engineer, academic degree of Magister Scientiae in Administration and Finance from the National University of the Altiplano; speaker at the XXII International Congress of Accounting, Administration and Informatics UNAM in Mexico City, having the top third in undergraduate studies, obtaining a resolution from the College of Engineers of Peru for the publication of a scientific article in IEPI magazine, Engineer cost manager and civil works inspector, currently a professor at the Universidad Privada del Norte.

Katherine Chirinos, North Private University

Civil Engineer from the Universidad Privada del Norte and member of the College of Engineers of Lima with CIP registration 261355. Capable of supervising quality tests, preparing reports and quality dossiers. Committed person, with the ability to work in a team, with the capacity for persuasion and understanding. Interested in developing myself in the Quality Management of Engineering Works.




How to Cite

Aquise, E. ., & Chirinos, K. . (2024). Photocatalytic mortar with tiO2 for the reduction of air pollutants produced by vehicular emissions. Revista Ingeniería De Construcción, 37(1), 26–34.


