Current situation of construction material management at international Level


  • René Castillo National Technological Institute of Mexico / Technological Institute of Chetumal
  • José Domíngez National Technological Institute of Mexico / Technological Institute of Chetumal
  • Luis Jiménez National Technological Institute of Mexico / Technological Institute of Chetumal



Materials management, building materials, RFID, ABC analysis, EOQ analysis


The present research aimed to provide a broad overview regarding the management of construction materials. As a starting point, the conception of the set of actions that make up the materials management is described and its importance within the construction sector is pointed out; It also addresses the various obstacles that this sector currently faces when managing its materials, in a global scope, and which hinder the optimal development of the sector. Likewise, new management support technologies such as Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) web-based systems for materials management and data storage applications are described, offering a vision of the advantages and disadvantages involved in implementing these information technologies. In the same way, the most common support techniques for inventory control are outlined. It is concluded that the construction industry knows the concept of materials management, however, it still faces problems for the application of a correct execution of said concept; In addition, it is at an early stage in the adoption of new techniques and technologies to support the management of construction materials.


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Author Biography

René Castillo, National Technological Institute of Mexico / Technological Institute of Chetumal

Architect with more than fifteen years of experience in the area of ​​Design, Architecture and Construction. I have participated in projects for public and private initiative in the sports, housing, educational, industrial, commercial, entertainment, customs, penitentiary and police sectors.




How to Cite

Castillo, R. ., Domíngez, J. ., & Jiménez, L. . (2024). Current situation of construction material management at international Level. Revista Ingeniería De Construcción, 37(1), 79–90.



Biography Review