Effect on properties of ferrocement blended geopolymer element due to thermal impact


  • P. Dhanabal Department of Civil Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Science
  • K.S. Sushmitha Department of Civil Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Science
  • P. Narendra Reddy Department of Civil Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Science




Fire resistance, ferrocement concrete, geopolymer concrete, flexural strength, temperature of concrete


Scope of study is to evaluate durability characteristics of ferrocement blended geopolymer mortar after subjected to fire. ferrocement element is made of geopolymer mortar and its fire resistance behaviour is compared with the conventional ferrocement element made of cement mortar. Previously, the molar concentration of sodium hydroxide solution used for preparing geopolymer mortar is standardized by finding the residual strength of mortar cubes prepared by various NaOH concentrations. The residual flexural strength of Ferro-geopolymer concrete and normal Ferrocement specimens of various volume fractions (1.5 %, 1.8 %, 2.1%) are exposed to three different temperature levels for two hours from 300 degree Celsius to 900 degrees Celsius are determined and compared. For the same volume fractions, the specimens are exposed to elevated temperature of 900ºc to find the residual impact strength. The fire resisting characters in terms of residual flexural strength, residual impact strength and loss of weight after fire exposure are determined. In all aspects, Ferro-geopolymer concrete shows superior performance than the conventional ferrocement.


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How to Cite

Dhanabal, P. ., Sushmitha, K. ., & Narendra Reddy, P. . (2024). Effect on properties of ferrocement blended geopolymer element due to thermal impact. Revista Ingeniería De Construcción, 37(2), 228–241. https://doi.org/10.7764/RIC.00028.21


