La inserción del sistema natural en la administración territorial de la Zona Costera: El balneario de Algarrobo


  • BELISARIO ANDRADE J. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
  • ALEJANDRO SALAZAR B. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Sistema natural, Uso del suelo, Algarrobo, Zonas costeras, Sistema Natural, Geomorfología


This report deals with the results of a comparative analysis between the environmental considerations included in the prevailing regulations on the use of the soil, and the determinat ion of environmentally sensitive units. in the resort of Algarrobo. on the coast Central Chile. The conclusi ons show that in spite of an existing improvement in the inclusion ofenvironmental criterio at the level ofthe general regulations of soil use, a lack is observed in the incorporation of geomorphological criteria sufficiently detailed, to explain thedifferentiatedcharacter ofthecoastalspace,attheonalocal administrationscale.


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How to Cite

ANDRADE J., B. ., & SALAZAR B., A. (2021). La inserción del sistema natural en la administración territorial de la Zona Costera: El balneario de Algarrobo. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (22), 15–19. Retrieved from


