Geomorphological characterization of the Las Leñas trade corridor, Cachapoal River valley, central Chilean Andes.


  • MARÍA VICTORIA SOTO BÄUERLE Universidad de Chile
  • CARMEN PAZ CASTRO CORREA Universidad de Chile
  • CAROLINA CHÁVEZ VALDIVIA Universidad de Chile


slopes systems, morphostructural environment, actual geodinamic


The future rating of a commerce corridor through a valley of the Andes in Central Chile, has motivated the necessity to analyze from a  geomorfológic point of view the present environments, that consider a high periglacial mountain and medium mountain dominion on folded mountain range. The geomorfological information serves as a base to analyze the geodynamic risks that affect the valley, and how they will be able to affect the rating of the project of commercial corridor between Chile and Argentina. Talweg-slope relation is analyzed, the potentiality of sediment contribution from the slopes and its present stability condition. The dynamics of the slopes, the basal deposits and the fluvial features presents a dynamic condition related to the morphoestructural and mortphoclimatic dominions.


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Author Biographies


Departamento de Geografía, Universidad de Chile.

CARMEN PAZ CASTRO CORREA, Universidad de Chile

Departamento de Geografía, Universidad de Chile.


Memorista, proyecto investigación, Universidad de Chile.


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How to Cite

SOTO BÄUERLE, M. V. ., CASTRO CORREA, C. P., & CHÁVEZ VALDIVIA, C. (2021). Geomorphological characterization of the Las Leñas trade corridor, Cachapoal River valley, central Chilean Andes. Revista De Geografía Norte Grande, (31), 85–98. Retrieved from


