The role of the ejido in the metropolitan expansion of the Morelia-Tarímbaro-Charo zone in Michoacán, Mexico:
implications of the legal framework and territorial planning norms (2010-2020).
Ejidal social land, participatory democratic planning, land use planning, urban sprawl, legal-regulatory fameworkAbstract
Metropolitan expansion is linked to the neoliberal capitalist model, where the deregulation of ejidal social property provokes the control of market forces as the axis of transformation and change of inhabited space. In this context, urban expansion in the Morelia-Tarímbaro-Charo metropolitan area occurs on ejido land, forcing ejidatarios to insert themselves in the processes of property regime change to put their land on the urban land market. Focused on the case of the municipality of Charo, Michoacán, Mexico, this paper analyzes the relationship between metropolitan expansion and the disaffection of the ejidos. As main findings, it was found that the ejido, as an institution and as a possessor of the land, is kept outside the processes of territorial planning. In municipal, urban and metropolitan development plans and programs, the problems of irregular land occupation are attributed to it. Based on the use of qualitative methods such as documentary and cartographic analysis, the dynamics of metropolitan expansion, the marginal role of the ejido in planning processes and possible ways for its incorporation in future exercises of territorial planning by the entities public.
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