Chilean Culture Magazine 1870-1891: Breakthrough literary and modern


  • Marina Alvarado Cornejo Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez (Chile)



XIX Century, Chilean Literary Magazines, Legitimation Process


The purpose of this article is to distinguish two milestones in the process of establishment of the Chilean cultural magazines that enabled cultural and literary magazines of the seventies of the nineteenth century had recognition and significance between producers and readers of that period. For this, we propose a pathway analysis that focuses on the features we see in the magazines, ie metacritique, positing and operational. The investigation of the beginnings of cultural journals begins with the introduction of the printing press and public opinion continues with the analysis of two key antecedents of 1842 continues with contributions from magazines to the modernization of the press in Chile; and ends with the analysis of literary magazines published by companies from 1870-1891.



How to Cite

Alvarado Cornejo, M. (2014). Chilean Culture Magazine 1870-1891: Breakthrough literary and modern. Anales De Literatura Chilena, (21), 41–60.




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